Ute Meta Bauer | Saying It Without Saying. On The Process of Creating the 17th Istanbul Biennial
By Ute Meta Bauer
The suspension of life-as-we-knew-it is a rare license to do things differently. Doing justice to this moment means resetting our expectations and our purposes, reimagining our formats and making way for a fundamental questioning that is political and philosophical; for conversations, intimate and public, generous and trenchant. What is needed above all in this uncertain window is the confidence to try unfamiliar ways, old and new, of interacting with each other and with the world.

Ciclo de Palestras: Atos de Tradução (PT)
O ebook "Atos de tradução" reúne o material do ciclo homônimo realizado em 2021, onde artistas e pensadores de diferentes saberes e linguagens se reuniram acerca de uma problemática que hoje se coloca enquanto potência no debate contemporâneo: a tradução, entendida em seu campo ampliado.

"Plural Domains": Art in, of, from Latin America - Artist Panel
Harn Eminent Scholar Chair in Art History (HESCAH)
José Falconi (moderator) / Panel Participants: Amalia Pica, Alice Miceli, José Gabriel Fernández
“Plural Domains: Art in, of, from Latin America” includes one art history lecture and a panel discussion comprised of internationally recognized artists and a scholar, each with a distinguished career and record of exhibitions, publications and participation in public events. The events take as their point of departure the exhibition Plural Domains: Selected Works from the Cisneros Fontanals Art Foundation Collection, which is curated by Jesús Fuenmayor for University Galleries and the Harn Museum of Art. The panel addresses the interconnections between artistic practices, curatorial research as well as diversity and pluralism in the contemporary art of Latin America.

Artist Talk: Alice Miceli
Alice will introduce and discuss the exhibition, Alice Miceli: Projeto Chernobyl. She will shed light on the process of her series made in the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone as well her work on land mines in Angola, Cambodia, Colombia, and Bosnia. Her work in impenetrable spaces reveals urgent issues about art, human rights, and the environment.

Conversa de Encerramento com Luiz Camillo Osorio e Alice Miceli
Na ocasião do encerramento da exposição "Em Profundidade: Campos Minados", de Alice Miceli, acontecerá no próximo sábado, dia 13 de junho, a partir das 15h30, uma conversa aberta ao público entre o curador da mostra Luiz Camillo Osorio e a artista.
A série é o desenvolvimento de um projeto realizado ao longo dos últimos anos, explorando territórios que passaram por conflitos sangrentos e que seguem matando mesmo depois de declarada a paz. Com curadoria de Luiz Camillo Osorio, a mostra apresentará ao público pela primeira vez a série completa de fotografias que investigam a permanência de campos minados no Camboja (2014), na Colombia (2015), Bósnia (2016) e Angola (2018). ⠀